Break All your Tech-Myths and Get Top News Today On the Go

Morning tea and newspapers are synonymous with the Indian morning routine. Where technology has enabled us to keep a check on top news today on-the-go. Some people still hold on to a traditional newspaper to get their daily digest. What is it? Are we evolving or still clinging back to our roots? Or we can not accept the technical change our generation is going through? Well, if you ask us, it is none of this but all about habits and myths that everybody around has in their mind.

The current era that we are living in today, comprises people from three different generations. Where the youngest and the oldest generation are open to change and accepting technology whole-heartedly. The mid-generation (say our parents) is having a tough time adjusting to the change. And that is why, they are trying to stick to the traditional form of collecting news, i.e., newspapers and news channels.

Myths and Reality of Technology

The most common cause of not accepting technology is that we have very little information about it. So, to break certain common myths about technology, we have made a list below-

Myth 1- Technology is Tough to Use

Reality- Technology is not tough to use, but accepting technology in daily use is tough. Most people fear that while using a smartphone, they can create a blunder and thus cut themselves from using it. But if given proper training and knowledge anyone can run his routine life easily with pace through technology.

Myth 2- Technology is Unsafe to Use

Reality- Technology is unsafe to use only if used without proper guidance and without knowing its importance. The way safety of our house lies in our hands likewise the safety of the technology lies in our knowledge of using it. Clicking on suspicious emails, spam, clickbait links can be a threat but if you are taught about the same, you can be safe from any threat.

Myth 3- Technology Paces Down Our Life

Reality- Everything has its importance and if overused it will harm. The same goes with technology if we depend on it blindly and use it day-night, it can harm us. It not only affects our productivity but also makes us lethargic.

So, now that you know the actual issues with the usage of technology, why don’t you turn a Lil tech-savvy and read news online? This way you not only contribute to saving papers but also get up-to-date information of everything going across the world. Digital news portals like help you get the freshest top news of today with the ease of your palm. Now no more waiting for another day to get a newspaper at your doorstep. Simply hop on to e-news and be a part of the change.
